Dementia - Eyes
Tachyonized Blue-Green Algae - Superfood Powder
Your Price $33.48A 5G-Power Pick™ Tachyonized Blue Green Algae is Certified Organic, GMO-free, non-irradiated, pesticide-free, and Certified Kosher! Tachyonized Blue-Green Algae is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the...BG PowderYour Price $33.48 -
Cold-Pressed Virgin Organic Coconut Delight
Your Price $16.98Tachyonized Coconut Delight Oil is in the category of miraculous healing super-foods. Taking it on a daily basis can help boost brain function or regain memory loss. It holds amazing healing properties when massaged into the skin. TACHYONIZED...CO Healing OilYour Price $16.98 -
Tachyon ULTRA Liberty Belt - Alleviate Painful Back
Your Price $194.98A 5G-Power Pick™ The ULTRA Liberty Belt employs a large (9-inch by 4-inch) Tachyonized ULTRA Disk (ULTRA products explained here) creating one of the most effective tools ever developed for personal wellness. It increases the...LB-1Your Price $194.98 -
Tachyonized 1-3/8" (35mm) Micro-Disks 3-Pack
Non-Member Price $97.44Your Price $89.64Tachyonized Micro-Disks are extremely effective directional antennae for attracting energy to a specific area. They are designed to be worn on the body to treat any injury, to help unbalanced organs rebalance, to rejuvenate your immune system, or to...T35-MD3Non-Member Price $97.44Your Price $89.64 -
Tachyonized C.B.D. ISO - 1oz
Your Price $74.88A 5G-Power Pick™ Tachyonized C.B.D. ISO contains 1400mg C.B.D. Isolate per 1oz bottle and is T.H.C.-Free. Brain activation and balance are crucial to thriving in a 5G world, making this a perfect fit for...ISO-2Your Price $74.88 -
Tachyonized Restorative Nerve Preparation
Your Price $34.98ACTIONS: Serving as a restorative to damaged and irritated nerves the herbs in this compound have a mild sedative action that soothes nervous agitation and excitability. POTENTIAL USES: Specifically indicated for treatment of low or...OS-26Your Price $34.98 -
MEN'S - Air Glides - Energize Your Body
Your Price $36.48You will get a new lift to your step with Tachyonized Air-Glide Insoles as each step you take will feel like you are walking on air. More powerful than the Tachyonized Happy Souls, these shoe insoles have a special aero-space fiber sandwiched between the...AG-MensYour Price $36.48 -
Tachyon Vitamin C Powder - 100% Pure and Potent
Your Price $36.98A 5G-Power Pick™ New Formula - 100% Camu Camu Without a doubt, living in a 5G world will slowly weaken immune systems. Therefore, along with all the other uses, Tachyonized Pure Vitamin C Powder is now also considered an essential...OS-40 Pure C PowderYour Price $36.98 -
3G/4G Protection - Phone Micro-Disk
Your Price $32.48BENEFITS: Introducing LARGE 35mm (1-3/8") Single Disk: The Tachyon Micro-Disk is a powerful solution designed to transform disruptive wave patterns of harmful EMFs into a coherent, positive, and life-enhancing field, offering protection for you...PC-MD35Your Price $32.48 -
Tachyonized Green Matrix - Peak Performance
Your Price $53.48A 5G-Power Pick™ Tachyonized Green Matrix considered, along with all its other uses, an essential part of preventative 5G health practices. Green Matrix is Certified Organic, GMO-free, non-irradiated, pesticide-free, and Certified...GM Unique BlendYour Price $53.48 -
Tachyonized Spirulina Tablets - Energy Superfood
Your Price $19.98Tachyonized Spirulina is Certified Organic, GMO-free, Non-irradiated, and Pesticide-free! Tachyonized Spirulina is an incredibly nutrient-dense food containing nearly every nutrient needed to sustain life, except for water. This tiny organism, mostly...ST TabletsYour Price $19.98 -
Ear Plugs with 5mm Tachyon Cells
Your Price $17.98Ear Plugs with 5mm Tachyonized Cells - Perfect for Treating the Inner Ear Using these ear plugs directs Tachyon energy into the inner ear, charging the SOEFs to stimulate the area to function at its highest bioenergetic potential. The Subtle...EM-PYour Price $17.98 -
Tachyonized Stretch Headband Deluxe
Your Price $23.48Tachyonized Stretch and Velcro Headbands are made from a high quality, double-woven cotton terrycloth. The headband charges the subtle organizing energy fields (SOEFs explained here) of the brain, balancing the right and left hemispheres and increasing...HB-D@Your Price $23.48 -
Tachyonized Liver & Gall Bladder Tonic
Your Price $34.98ACTIONS: This compound is cleansing to both the liver and gallbladder. Dandelion is an excellent and safe diuretic and liver tonic rich in potassium. Oregon Grape root acts as a tonic and can remedy chronic skin problems such as psoriasis and eczema,...OS-21@Your Price $34.98 -
Paper Tape 2-inch wide - If Cell Dotts Won't Work
Your Price $13.48This 2-inch (5cm) wide paper surgical tape is used for taping Tachyonized™ Energy Cells/Micro-Disks to your body. It is hypoallergenic and can be used by those with sensitive skin. Paper surgical tape is for taping Tachyonized Tachyon...TAP-2Your Price $13.48 -
Tachyonized Skin Corrective
Your Price $34.98ACTIONS: This compound targets the organs of metabolism and corrects metabolic errors responsible for the manifestation of skin disorders. Burdock addresses skin disorders associated with impure blood. Yellow Dock addresses skin disorders...OS-29Your Price $34.98 -
Tachyon 100% Silk Meditation Wrap - Choose Color
Your Price $319.98Pure Tachyon Pleasure Let the mundane fade away as you surround yourself in silken ecstasy the Tachyon way. Only a continuous angelic hug could feel better than this nurturing, rejuvenating Tachyonized 100% Silk Meditation Wrap.This Tachyonized...S-SH-@Your Price $319.98 -
Flex-Cell 100 - Largest Flexible Tachyon Cell
Your Price $177.48The Flex-Cell 100 is especially beneficial for painful backs and abdominal imbalances. Healers particularly enjoy wearing the Flex-Cell 100 during sessions to increase their own energy and the effectiveness of their treatments. The...FC-100Your Price $177.48 -
ULTRA Cocoon - Balancing Body, Mind, and Spirit
Your Price $598.00This is considered to be one of the most valuable Tachyon tools ever developed!The ULTRA Cocoon is fast becoming one of the most popular products because of its profound effect on the whole being. ACTION: The Ultra Cocoon surrounds you in a...TC-UYour Price $598.00 -
Tachyon 5G and EMF Home Kit - A Money Saving Solution
Non-Member Price $272.36Your Price $250.57A 5G-Power Pick™ A complement of Tachyonized Silica Disks and Tachyon Cubes for shielding your home and workspace. Four 4-inch Tachyonized Silica Disks, three Tachyon Cubes. Apply the disks on circuit breakers to neutralize...EMF-HKNon-Member Price $272.36Your Price $250.57 -
Tachyon Set of 4 Sun Spots ≈ #1 Home Energy Neutralizer
Your Price $1,246.98A 5G-Power Pick™ Whole Space Transformation. Sun Spots (approx. 50mm/2 inches) are the best Tachyonized tools for rooms that need protection and rejuvenation due to harmful electromagnetic (EMF) radiation, 3G, 4G and 5G...SUN-LYour Price $1,246.98 -
Tachyonized Lymphatic & Glandular Tonic
Your Price $34.98ACTIONS: This compound is known in traditional folk medicine as a “blood purifier”, acting through the lymphatic, glandular and mucous membrane systems. Its primary action is to balance the processes associated with the breakdown and...OS-22Your Price $34.98 -
Tachyonized Elbow Hug - Healing and Support
Your Price $35.48Tachyonized Elbow Hugs wrap an area with 360 degrees of balancing Tachyon Energy. Hugs come in sizes to fit just about any elbow. They are sturdy, yet soft and comfortable, and of course, hand washable for a longer life. The Elbow Hug ought to be...HE-ELBOWYour Price $35.48 -
Tachyonized Liver Tonic
Your Price $34.98ACTIONS: Excellent as a liver-specific tonic in treating conditions such as hepatitis, cirrhosis and chronic constipation, by being absorbed directly into the liver, turning it into an active Tachyon antenna. SIZE: OS-LIV comes in 1 oz. (30ml). Using...OS-LIVYour Price $34.98 -
Tachyon Silica Disk 6-inch - EMFs, Breaker Boxes
Your Price $73.48A 5G-Power Pick™ Tachyonized Silica Disks can be used for a variety of things. Use them over your circuit breakers, on computers, refrigerators, televisions and laptops. Charge your water, herbs, supplements, fruits, vegetables...SD-6Your Price $73.48 -
Tachyonized ULTRA Liberty Belt X-Extra Strength
Your Price $317.98A 5G-Power Pick™ Along with all the other uses, Tachyonized ULTRA Liberty Belt X is now also considered an important part of preventative 5G health practices. The ULTRA Liberty Belt X is a huge upgrade. It's source of...LB-XYour Price $317.98 -
Tachyonized Blue-Green Algae - Superfood Capsules
Your Price $64.98A 5G-Power Pick™ Tachyonized Blue Green Algae is Certified Organic, GMO-free, non-irradiated, pesticide-free, and Certified Kosher! Tachyonized Blue-Green Algae is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the...BG CapsulesYour Price $64.98 -
Ultra-Balance Massage Oil PLUS
Your Price $17.98ORIGINAL FORMULA and NEW FORMULA WITH TACHYON MICRO-S AVAILABLE (select your option) A 5G-Power Pick™ C.B.D. Infused Ultra Balance Massage Oil has been upgraded with Tachyon Micro-S The clear effects of...UB-Plus-@Your Price $17.98 -
Tachyonized Sun Spot Mini Single
Your Price $249.00A 5G-Power Pick™ Sun Spot Mini (approx. 35mm/1.4inches) is a small space energy clearing tool. Effective in space protection and rejuvenation due to harmful 5G milli waves, electromagnetic (EMF) radiation, cell phone pollution,...SUN-MYour Price $249.00 -
Tachyonized Prostate Gland Tonic
Your Price $34.98ACTIONS: The herbs in this compound promote healthy circulation to the prostate, soothing burning and irritation of the prostate and urinary tract. They also facilitate the draining of congested tissue fluids. Action is anti-inflammatory and mildly...OS-24Your Price $34.98 -
Ultra-Balance Massage Gel
Your Price $18.98ORIGINAL FORMULA and NEW FORMULA WITH TACHYON MICRO-S AVAILABLE (select your option) A 5G-Power Pick™ Ultra-Balance Massage Gel has been upgraded with Tachyon Micro-S - Therapists Favorite Gel When we infused Tachyon...UG-@Your Price $18.98 -
TP-1000 Tachyon Acupressure Wand
Your Price $399.00THE TACHYON POWER POINT - TP-1000 IS AN ALL TIME FAVORITE. This Tachyonized Tachyon energy healing product is a favorite, best choice of massage therapists, acupuncture and acupressure therapists, and energy practitioners. The Tachyonized Power...TP-1000Your Price $399.00 -
Small TLC Bars Polished - Half the Size!
Your Price $468.98TLC Small Tachyon Treatment Bars - Deluxe Polished The Chosen Tool of Practitioners from Around the World - Travel Size This Tachyonized energy healing product is the most powerful crystal on earth. The answer to miraculous self-healing...TLC-SYour Price $468.98 -
Tachyonized Prostate Tonic
Your Price $34.98ACTIONS: Acts as a tonic and strengthener of the male reproductive system by being absorbed directly into the prostate gland, turning it into an active Tachyon antenna. SIZE: OS-PRO comes in 1 oz. (30ml). Using 30 drops per day this bottle will last...OS-PROYour Price $34.98 -
Tachyon Water Charger - For High Energy Water
Your Price $48.98Now comes with 3" (7.62cm) Tachyonized Silica Disk: The Tachyon Water Charger contains a Tachyonized 3" (7.62cm) Silica Disk that continually charges and raises the bioenergetics of water to its highest energetic potential. Easy to...WC-1Your Price $48.98 -
Tachyonized Sugar Metabolism Tonic
Your Price $34.98ACTIONS: While Devil’s Club root bark is used as a blood sugar stabilizing agent, all of the herbs in the compound act as a tonic for restoring and maintaining sugar metabolism equilibrium. POTENTIAL USES: Indicated in both...OS-30Your Price $34.98 -
Tachyonized Women's Tonic
Your Price $34.98ACTIONS: Tachyonized herbs in this compound help with menstrual cycle problems and pain, premenstrual syndrome, and menopause. Chaste Tree berries normalize and stimulate pituitary gland functions, particularly those of the female sex hormones. This...OS-35Your Price $34.98 -
Tachyon 8mm Opal Cells 6-Pack - Acupressure Cells
Your Price $34.48It has been shown that Tachyonized Energy Cells/Micro-Disks increase negative entropy, thus promoting balance and harmony in the body. Youthing is a possibility made available by using Tachyonized materials. The 8mm, 13mm, 15mm, and 24mm RO Cells were...T8-ROYour Price $34.48 -
Tachyonized Digestive System Tonic
Your Price $34.98ACTIONS: This pleasant tasting compound calms and tones the digestive system, relieving gas and nausea. A mildly warming stimulant that aids the whole digestive process. POTENTIAL USES: Useful in relieving flatulence and reducing nausea and queasiness...OS-5Your Price $34.98 -
Tachyonized 1-3/8" (35mm) Micro-Disk
Your Price $32.48Tachyonized Micro-Disks are extremely effective directional antennae for attracting energy to a specific area. They are designed to be worn on the body to treat any injury, to help unbalanced organs rebalance, to rejuvenate your immune system, or...T35-MDYour Price $32.48