Ultra Disks (3 - 6 inches)

Ultra Disks (3 - 6 inches)

The ULTRA Silica Disk is a powerful Neo-Field generating disk making it an effective protection tool in the 5G world. ULTRA Disks function at a different level when compared to standard directional Silica Disks. When a massive flow of Tachyons in this Tachyonized ULTRA Silica Disk begin to collide, a new field of energy is created. This new field is called the NEO Field (NEO Field Explained) and its potential is indescribable. It affects both, the physical and non-physical Subtle Organizing Energy Fields (SOEFs).

When a system in a state of disorder is subjected to a focused form of Tachyon the biological system will move back to a state of balance. Gabriel Cousens, M.D. refers to this effect as the "youthing" process. This phenomenon is also known as the difference between positive and negative entropy. Positive entropy is defined as chaos, disorder, or disease. Negative entropy is balance or order. 

It has been shown that Tachyonized ULTRA Silica Disks increase negative entropy, thus promoting balance and harmony in the body. Youthing is a possibility made available by using Tachyonized materials.

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    ULTRA Silica Disk 4-inch - 3-Pack

    Non-Member Price $194.94
    Your Price $179.34
    ULTRA Tachyonized Silica Disks function at a different level when compared to standard Silica Disks.  When a massive flow of Tachyons in this Tachyonized ULTRA Silica Disk begin to collide, a new field of energy is created. This new...
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  • This Tachyonized Tachyon energy healing product helps heal and energize the body, repair injuries, balance organs, strengthen the immune system and improve athletic performance. Get Yours Now. Tachyonized ULTRA Silica Disk 4-inch

    Tachyonized ULTRA Silica Disk 4-inch

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    Therapist's Choice - ULTRA Tachyonized Silica Disks function at a different level when compared to standard Silica Disks.  When a massive flow of Tachyons in this Tachyonized ULTRA Silica Disk begin to collide, a new field of energy...
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  • ULTRA Tachyonized Silica Disks function at a different level when compared to standard Silica Disks. It affects both, the physical and non-physical Subtle Organizing Energy Fields.

    Tachyonized ULTRA Silica Disk 6-inch - 3-Pack

    Non-Member Price $316.44
    Your Price $291.12
    ULTRA Tachyonized Silica Disks function at a different level when compared to standard Silica Disks.  When a massive flow of Tachyons in this Tachyonized ULTRA Silica Disk begin to collide, a new field of energy is created. This new...
    Non-Member Price $316.44
    Your Price $291.12
  • Tachyonized ULTRA Silica Disk 6-inch Tachyonized ULTRA Silica Disk 6-inch

    Tachyonized ULTRA Silica Disk 6-inch

    Your Price $105.48
    ULTRA Tachyonized Silica Disks function at a different level when compared to standard Silica Disks.  When a massive flow of Tachyons in this Tachyonized ULTRA Silica Disk begin to collide, a new field of energy is created. This new...
    Your Price $105.48