2016 A New Year to Share Our Blessings
It's a New Year, 2016, A Year for Sharing the Multitude of Blessings that Touch Our Lives.In 1990 I was guided, and blessed, to create the gift of
Tachyonized tools to heal from a back accident so severe I was
told I would be an invalid for the rest of my life. Since then, ATTI,
the company I founded to bring tachyon to the world has organically
grown to become a worldwide phenomenon.Every day, for the past twenty-five years, I have been blessed
to have received a gift I once confused
Jan 5th 2016
Thanks for Your Guidance and Support This Past Year!
Thank You,Thank you for all the guidance and support you've given us this past year. It is you that we work for! Clearly a difficult task since many want features that only apply to them. However, when a request comes from several channels, and it is a clear benefit to everyone, we embrace the request and explore the possibilities of making it happen.Here's a list of some of our Tachyon families' requests and accomplishments this past year:1. Added SKU to the product views.2. Added SKU to
Oct 1st 2015
Tachyonized Hair Tonic will help you grow new hair or thicken existing hair. Big words? Well that is what I have witnessed! I'm David Wagner, creator of the Tachyonization process and owner of Advanced Tachyon Technologies. I have spent eight years working with our Beta testers, searching for a hair-restoring product I can stand behind. I have sent out a dozen or so formulas in the past but never have I seen the results I'm seeing from this product. The ingredients showed promise before
Aug 26th 2015
New Golden Colored Orb
EMF's are such an out of our control situation, that we must be proactive in protecting our self from the sea of man-made energies we live in.
I have added a golden Tachyon Ultra EMF Orb Pendant (along with the silver colored orb) to our current EMF Personal Protection Tools.
It is full of tiny Tachyonized beads bouncing energy off each other and creating a Neo Field, which protects you from EMFs and cell phone radiation. This is a true Ultra pendant. Simply wear the pendant ev
Aug 21st 2015
Following the Flow of Existence
Mini-V When I was very young I became aware that, unlike other kids, I could see energy flowing. Nature has been one of my dearest and closest teachers. My passion for dancing in the divine flow of existence has guided my journey. One passion is to help humans break away from the ego's control of our lives and shift to realizing we are spiritual beings who are in charge of our ego and use it as a beloved assistant to help us manage our earthly lives. In the past twenty-thr
Aug 18th 2015