Effects of Tachyonized Water on DNA

Tachyonized water and DNA Research

The following graphs illustrate the neg-entropic effects of Tachyonized water on DNA in research done by Dr. Glen Rein, a well-known biophysicist. It has been shown that DNA rapidly degenerates when taken out of its intracellular home in the nucleus. Dr. Rein investigated many different frequency generating devices as well as Tachyonized material in an effort to ascertain their ability to keep the DNA from degenerating when taken out of the cell nucleus. 

His preliminary studies revealed that the Tachyonized materials were the only technology that had a neg-entropic effect on the  DNA integrity. 

This research was done with a Hewlett Packard UV absorption spectrophotometer. The study measured the effects of different frequency devices and photometer. The study measured the effects of different frequency devices and Tachyonized materials on preventing the degeneration of the DNA. Results which show a compression or rewinding of the DNA signify a neg-entropic effect or the prevention of degeneration. 

tachyon-dna-graph1.jpgGRAPH 1
This graph shows how the Tachyonized water reversed the entropy of the disintegrating DNA. The proof in this conclusion is that the Tachyonized sample is physically longer and has a higher amplitude than the control. The increased length of the Tachyon treated DNA indicates the DNA is rewinding, which indicates a reversal of the degeneration of the DNA. This reversal is also referred to as neg-entropy. 

tachyon-dna-graph2.jpgGRAPH 2
This graph shows DNA treated with particular frequency generating device. The treated DNA is shorter and has less amplitude that the control, indicating that the frequency had a degenerating (entropic) effect on the DNA, or did not prevent the DNA from degeneration.

tachyon-dna-graph3.jpgGRAPH 3
This graph shows DNA treated with a particular frequency generating device which is different from the frequency generating devices of graph 2. It is shorter and has less amplitude than the control. This means it is more degenerated (has more entropy) than the control. 

tachyon-dna-graph4.jpgGRAPH 4
This graph shows DNA treated with a particular frequency generating device which is different from the frequency generating devices of graphs 2 and 3. It is shorter and has less amplitude than the control. This means it is more degenerated (has more entropy) than the control.

The implications for human health and longevity are quite exciting. Some of the hottest research today in anti-aging is connected with telomere degeneration and consequent DNA unraveling in the intracellular nucleus. Telomeres are like the end-caps of both ends of the DNA and appear to unravel with age. 

Researchers are theorizing that if we can figures out how to stop telomere degeneration at the DNA poles we can stop the aging process. The research by Dr. Glen Rein with Tachyonized materials may be one of the ways to stop the telomere degeneration, DNA unraveling, and consequently, the aging process. From the Tachyon holistic theory point of view, what we are again seeing is that the Tachyonized materials (by energizing the SOEFs of the DNA) are maintaining the integrity of the telomere and obviously the DNA. 

Copy written material Re-printed with permission from:

Tachyon Energy - A New Paradigm in Holistic Healing
Authors: Gabriel Cousens M.D. and David Wagner