7. The ULTRA Breakthrough

7. The ULTRA Breakthrough

NEO Field Explained
The ULTRA Tachyon Products

Aging is associated with the breakdown of the biological system as it moves toward natural physical recyling.

Tachyon energy, being the Source energy, aids the system in healing quickly and slows the aging process.

Here are a few examples of the wonders of Tachyon energy. We have hundreds more....

Pictures sent by an individual - Two tomatoes, brothers of the vine.

As expected, this tomato,
without a disk decays.

As expected, this tomato, sitting on a Tachyonized silica disk,ages much slower and more gracefully.  

Pictures sent by a grateful dad


Two hours after Tachyon treatment  

Pictures sent by a grateful parent

Burned! 9-26 evening. Ouch!!!

9-28 morning


9-29 morning
Completly healed under the Tachyon Energy Silica Disk

Can you tell where the Tachyon Ultra Micro-Disk was taped?

Before and After


Self Treatment

Next day, before School.

Close up














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