Sharing our Experiences
I would like to share with others my experience with Tachyonized Water and my cat. I made an appointment to have his teeth cleaned. The vet was alarmed at how thin he was (he had always been thin and a very finicky eater). He did a blood test and found his kidney in very bad shape and said it was probably what they call "Kitty AIDS" and there was no hope. Devastated, I took him home determined to "save" him. I immediately started him on vitamins and 3 droppers of Tachyonized Water every morning and evening. In a matter of weeks he has gone form 5.5 pounds to 9.5 pounds, his fur is more beautiful than it has ever been, and he now tears around the house like a kitten (much to our joy). He sits in front of the refrigerator the second I get out of bed and meows loudly until I give him his special "water". Words can’t express my gratitude for saving "Wheatie’s" life. Thank you. ~ Sincerely, Judy Trujillo
Using Tachyon Opens the Experience of Knowing
I am convinced! My 4 year old smashed into a closed glass door head first. The bruising started immediately. I put my Tachyonized Cell onto the worst spot. After 6 hours I looked under the Tachyonized Cell and there was no bruising! Outside the Tachyonized Cell area turned dark blue. Without a doubt this stuff works! Thank you again!
On March 13, I found a friend. It was on this date I was introduced to Tachyon. I am 69 years old and I have rheumatoid arthritis. It had gotten so bad that I was in a wheelchair; I could not stand up. My arms and hands hurt so much that I could not use them. I started using the Tachyonized Cell, taping it on my knee joints. I also massaged my legs with the Tachyonized Massage Oil.
Within just a few days, the sore joints didn’t hurt. If the pain comes back, I repeat the process wherever I need it. Every night and morning I rub my legs, shoulders, arms and wrists with the Tachyonized Massage Oil or Tachyonized Panther Juice. I now sleep without pain. I am now walking with a walker, going up and down stairs, and doing my own cooking. I am not saying that Tachyon is a cure for arthritis, but it has made life much more comfortable. ~ Virginia Tucker, West Valley City, Utah
My research has demonstrated to me that the Tachyonized TLC bars are the ultimate balancing instruments. Profound success occurs when using the Tachyonized TLC Bars and the techniques learned in the Pain Management Workshop. ~ Dr. Rocco Ruggerio
Just a note to add to my earlier letter regarding your Tachyonized Water, which I have been taking for a cartilage problem in my hip. In the course of events, I had a dental procedure, which involved regenerating periodontal bone in order to do an implant. The doctor was pessimistic that the bone would come back. In three months the bone regenerated itself and was found to be nearly twice as dense as my normal bone in other areas of the mouth. This is specifically due to Tachyonized Water. I could feel the process and the effect of the Tachyonized Water most precisely. Extraordinary. The doctor was absolutely amazed! ~ Marilyn Leutz

In 1991, I began experiencing pain in my wrists. It was getting so acute that sometimes I would cry at night as I prayed for relief. I knew it was due to having a death grip on my camera for years, and I also knew I would never put my camera down ... . I was prepared for a life of pain. The discomfort was aggravated by typing and carrying anything in my hands. I started experimenting with Tachyonized Cells. For one month I wore the 24mm Tachyonized Cells over the tenderest areas of both my wrists. I protected the cells with the Tachyonized Wristbands. After about the third week, I couldn’t believe that the sharp pains had subsided to a dull ache. After about five weeks, my wrists only hurt after a hard day of using them. At the end of the sixth week, I could flop my hands around without flinching. Now, I have absolutely no pain in my wrists, but when I travel or do hours of typing, I certainly wear the Tachyonized Wristbands for maintenance. ~ Shari Dewar
Muffie is my 16-year-old poodle mix who developed an inch long growth under the skin over her rib cage. Six drops of Tachyonized Water twice a day and the growth was reduced to half the size in two days and completely gone in four days and to this date has not returned. She is now a proud owner of two Tachyonized Stretch Headbands which are worn daily crossed over her heart which have improved a heart murmur from a four on a scale of six down to a three. And she enjoys an improved energy level as the result. Thanks, Tachyon! ~ Bill Burns, Las Cruces, NM
I had a customer from Southern California who has had arthritis for the past 15 years. I rubbed the Tachyonized Panther Juice into her hands and she cried tears of joy. It was the first time in 15 years that she had been pain free. That evening she had a friend rub Tachyonized Panther Juice into her most painful area, her back. It was the first time in 15 years that she had slept a full eight hours straight, free from the nagging pain that normally keeps her awake at night.
Steve @ Earthstar
I fell down a flight of stairs and sustained acute contusion of the right foot with damaged ligaments and hemorrhage in the tissues. The pain was quite extreme. I was taken to the hospital where the X-rays showed no bone damage. I was told I would not be able to walk on it for a week, and I was put on crutches and told I would need them for a week or more. The Tachyonized Sports Wrap came early the next morning via UPS. I immediately applied Tachyonized Panther Juice and wrapped my foot with the Tachyonized Sports Wrap including seven T32-RO Tachyonized Cells. After 20 minutes, I had no pain and in about 10 hours I was walking without crutches as if the injury had never happened. Weeks later, I am still injury free! ~ Lorraine Opsitos
I have been confined to my house for four years, because of a disabling accident that causes great pain while walking. Normally, I can barely get off the couch, so even walking to the mailbox has been nearly impossible. I received my Tachyonized Panther Juice and rubbed it into my lower back area; within minutes, I was able to walk around the house pain free. I was so excited by this freedom I walked to the corner store and back to my house without experiencing any pain. ~ Tammy Wood, Alternative Therapies Research
We have been having very good results with the Tachyonized products. They definitely work on all kinds of pain. The most spectacular was a woman who had a hysterectomy. Two 75mm Tachyonized Cells (in pouches) were put around her abdominal area and she never experienced any post-operative pain. Even her doctors were amazed. We had a teenager relieved of menstrual problems by wearing a 75mm Tachyonized Cell at the focal point. We had a woman who was cold all of the time no longer cold after wearing a Tachyonized Scarf. The Tachyonized Scarves also relieve tension around the neck and shoulder area. I personally know that the Tachyonized Scarf gives me a wonderful feeling of well being when I am working at the store or am around people. I feel like it strengthens my energy field and protects me from other people’s energies. I also had someone else tell me that she felt that way too when wearing her Tachyonized Scarf.
I had another woman tell me that after wearing her 75mm Tachyonized Cell over her focal point for 3 nights, she did not need to wear her crystals anymore. A friend of mine who is very sensitive to energy felt the Tachyonized Sports Wrap from about 8 feet away. Her back was facing me when I took it out and was opening it up. She swung around and said "What is that?" I put it on her and in 5 minutes she said she was getting too hot and could not wear it anymore. She got her period the next day without problems or discomfort, but the best thing was that she hasn’t been constipated since…which is going on three weeks now.
Another sensitive that I know says that the Tachyon Energy is so strong that it could become illegal. Some of my friends in "Brain Gym" are using Tachyonized Cells whenever they have to hold "points" in the body - They are holding the Tachyonized Cells over the points. I use them for "Cook’s Hookups" and place Tachyonized Cells on the 2 neuromuscular stress points on the forehead. These points are used in "Touch for Health". These are the techniques to balance the body’s energy fields. I felt the energy very strong and felt the balance occur faster than usual. ~ Colleen Ting