Phase-III: A New-found Tachyon Gift
Cancer is devastating, both physically and emotionally. With a world of options, who are we to judge the choices of those who are suffering? I feel that here at Advanced Tachyon Technologies, our job is to embrace what is, and using the proven effects of Tachyonized materials, help find solutions.
“But then after 4 or 5 days, I felt like a dark haze lifted. The chemo treatment side effects I was living with for so long, simply vanished. And for the first time, I was standing in front of my front door, wondering, what should I do today?”
So today we are focused on helping those suffering from their chosen path of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy may save the lives of countless patients who may not otherwise survive their illnesses. Unfortunately, chemo is one of the most dreaded treatments due to its devastating and wide-ranging side effects.
“If this technology/product can help others even half as much as it has me, then this is a true miracle in the unfolding.”
A very high percentage of those treated with chemotherapy experience side effects on even though they may not receive any significant therapeutic benefit. The side effects and their intensity may differ slightly depending on the chemotherapeutic agent, but one thing is common - they are often debilitating. Sadly, the medications typically prescribed to lessen the chemo side effects often fail to provide adequate relief. And sadly many medicaments can have a broad variety of side effects on their own.
We at Advanced Tachyon Technologies have been dedicated to developing organ specific internal Tachyon treatments using targeting herbs. For example, we know that dandelion, when Tachyonized™ and taken orally, is quickly metabolized by the liver as liver matter. Therefore, treating the liver from the inside out is accomplished with Tachyon. This protocol has been applied to over 40 organ-specific products.
How Phase-III Works in the Body
“I have been taking 7 drops, 3 times a day, without fail since August 8th, 2019. I am overjoyed to report that I now have a quality life. I still get a bit tired for the first day after chemo, but that’s it. I often forget I have cancer.”
The nature of chemotherapy is disruptive, and even dangerous. Reportedly the effects of Tachyonized Phase-III have provided great comfort and a marked increase in the quality of life. Phase-III can be administered immediately after a dose of chemotherapy without interfering with the therapeutic effects. Phase-III is suitable for long-term use by those who struggle with persistent effects after completion of treatment. With Phase-III patients may finally have access to the chemotherapy adjunct they need.
“Everyone suffering from the side effects of Chemo should be using Tachyon CBD. I urge Advanced Tachyon to share my message.”