Examining the Impact of EMFs
Study of the Impact of EMFs
By Janice Thompson
The development and widespread implementation of electricity is one of the most significant technological achievements in human history. Without question, this technology has been responsible for more substantial quality of life improvements than seen as a result of any other single achievement.
However, in spite of the sizable benefits and advantages that have befallen humanity as a result of access to controlled electricity sources, a substantial body of evidence exists claiming there is an array of health risks associated with the widespread use of electricity. Specifically, over the last several decades, evidence has come to light demonstrating that exposure or proximity to electromagnetic fields that are created in the wake of electricity use can provoke potentially deleterious biological responses in humans.
This summary will recount the results of one such study conducted by respected research scientist Prof. David Wagner, University of Integrated Science, Calif.. The study that will be described sought to assess the impact of exposure to an electromagnetic field upon the bio-energetic potential of humans.
Summary of the Study
The goal of the study was to assess the nature and degree of the impact of proximity and exposure to an electromagnetic field (EMF) upon human bio-energetic potential. The importance of the study rests in the assertion that in the Quantum perspective, a Subtle Organizing Energy Field (SOEF), which has been created by energy itself, holds all matter together. As energy becomes material, the quality of the material is affected directly by the energy that feeds it. For example, a SOEF created by organic foods is stronger than one created by food of lesser quality.
However, SOEFs can sustain damage or even be destroyed by radiation. EMFs, ELFs (extremely low frequency waves) and microwaves have been linked to many physical and degenerative health problems of the general population. Various bodily systems and organs are affected when SOEF depletion occurs and the ability of an individual to remain healthy becomes compromised in light of the EMF interruption. In order to identify, quantify, and assess the impact of the electromagnetic field exposure, Prof. Wagner and his research team procured a device that measured the movement and distribution of energy within human muscle tissue. The device that was employed in the study was a Chinese-developed Sharp Image 4000 Electronic Muscle Tester, capable of recording variations in muscular activity and resistance.
To simulate exposure to an electromagnetic field, Prof. Wagner and his research team selected devices that would effectively simulate the level of electromagnetism typically encountered by humans in an average household environment. The devices that were selected included a Champion Juicer, which was equipped with a 1750-rpm, 1/3 horsepower motor, as well as a conventional 25-inch television set. Although both of these devices are known to emit relatively high levels of electromagnetism, they are both representative of the types of devices which many men, women, and children commonly encounter in the course of a day.
The experiment involved a process in which three separate readings of the electronic muscle tester were taken for each study participant. By completing this three-phase methodology, the researchers were able to gauge the impact of exposure to electromagnetism in a variety of commonplace situations.
The subjects themselves recorded the readings displayed by the electronic muscle tester in each situation. This precaution was taken as a means of eliminating the possibility that the researchers’ expectancy or bias would taint the objectivity of the findings.
The first reading that was taken was the baseline reading, used as a measure of comparison throughout the study. The second reading was taken with the subject’s hand resting on either the juicer motor or the television screen for a period tester was recorded.Prior to the third reading being recorded, a set of three Tachyonized™ Silica Disks were placed over the fuses that were feeding power to the electrical device at the circuit breaker box. The third reading was then taken, with the only difference being that the circuit breaker was now covered by the Tachyonized Silica Disks.
A wide array of results was attained from the experiment. The findings were expressed in the pounds of muscular resistance that were recorded by the electronic muscle tester. An average of the results follows:
Reading 1 (Baseline): 60.6 lbs.
Reading 2 (Exposed to EMF): 50.7 lbs.
Reading 3 (Exposed to Modulated EMF): 69.9 lbs.
As evidenced by these findings, exposure to common household appliances for even a brief period of time resulted in a substantial decline in the average subject’s muscular activity and resistance. The use of common household devices, such as a juicer and a television, resulted in appreciably diminished energy levels. As clearly demonstrated by the results, even extremely brief exposure to these household appliances rendered the participants unable to achieve the level of muscular activity and resistance that they had been able to exhibit and document only a short time before, as verified by the readings recorded by the electronic muscle tester.
However, perhaps the most significant findings attained by Prof. Wagner and his research team are demonstrated in the significant increase that was observed in the average readings recorded in Reading 3. In this phase of the study, the circuit breaker powering the household appliance was covered by three Tachyonized Silica Disks.
As indicated by the sizable increase in muscular resistance and activity seen in the average measure of Reading 3 results, the presence of the set of three Tachyonized Silica Disks covering the circuit breaker resulted in a negative entropic response. In other words, the participants experienced a strengthening of their muscular capacity when exposed to electromagnetism modulated by the presence of the Tachyonized Silica Disks covering the circuit breaker.
The presence of the Tachyonized Silica Disks not only allowed the participants in the study to regain the loss of muscular capacity, activity, and resistance that they suffered during exposure to the electromagnetism emitted by the household appliances, but they actually gained in muscular capacity in comparison to the baseline reading recorded by the electronic muscle tester. In other words, the variable of the Tachyonized Silica Disks actually improved the participants’ muscular capacity.
In the experiment, a total of 151 individuals were tested in the manner previously described. 134 of the participants experienced a significant weakening as a result of their exposure to the electromagnetism of the household appliances. Only 12 of the participants experienced no impact as a result of encountering the electromagnetism emitted by the household devices. Five of the participants displayed an aberrant increase in muscular capacity and resistance following their initial exposure to electromagnetism, which may have been the result of a methodological inaccuracy.
There are two significant conclusions that can be drawn from the research conducted by Prof. Wagner and his team. First, even brief exposure to the levels of electromagnetism typically associated with household appliances can result in a significant decline in muscular resistance and capacity. Second, the presence of Tachyonized Silica Disks on the circuit breaker was shown to reverse the loss of energy caused by exposure to electromagnetism. In some cases, the exposure to electromagnetism modulated by the presence of Tachyonized Silica Disks actually led to an increase in overall muscular capacity. These findings strongly indicate that Tachyonized Silica Disks could be applied to reverse some of the negative biological effects of household electromagnetic fields.