Attunement with the Cosmic Flow
Attunement with the Cosmic Flow
To understand how Tachyon facilitates attunement with Cosmic Energy, with All That Is, requires an understanding that everything in this universe of space and time is made of energy.
The Flow of Life
To understand how Tachyon facilitates attunement with Cosmic Energy, with All That Is, requires an understanding that everything in this universe of space and time is made of energy. Source, also called the Zero-Point Field in physics, is “That” from which all is formed and therefore, contains “All That Is”.
The Energetic Continuum is the continuous flow of the entire range of energies as they move “down” from Source, condensing into increasingly slower rates of frequency. The Zero-Point Field, or Source, is considered the starting point of the Energetic Continuum.
The Zero-Point Field does not interact directly with our slower-than-light physical world. Zero-Point is the field and Tachyon is the form that communicates with the Subtle Organizing Energy Fields, which then communicate with our being. Tachyon addresses blockages in the Energetic Continuum that keep us from that full connection to Source. As those blockages are released we have greater and greater access to All That Is, allowing connection and harmony with Cosmic Energy.